Thursday, April 23, 2009

FRIDAY: 24th APRIL 2009

Okay readers.... So this whole week was busy week,because too many things to share also.. and i'm lazy to type... hahaha!! hmm.. So,today i had my malay papers. Its manageable,at least i fill in all the blanks... haha!! Ya,but this year,i did opened my dictionary which is 'Kamus Dewan' aand put in those words in my compo.... Last year,my compo sux.... And seriously, i did my compo and i cried.... Very sad story for me lah... haha!! mcm phm....
Okay,then just now after my exam,Fida,Naf and me went to the hawker centre go and eat cheese fries cuz Fida's was craving for it but actually i wanted to eat at 'MR Teh Tarik' takpe lah for my fren sake.... hehehe!!! So,while eating we chit-chat... i offered Naf for my fries but she said... I WANT TO'....' !! haha!! Naf....makan jer lah..nk malu-malu...
After that go seven-eleven,went home... and in the bus me and Fida were laughing like crazy because of the people in the bus... hahahhahahaaha!!! Alight from the bus ,saw Fida's mum and she was asked to follow to Jurong Point and she can't make a decision,end up.. She followed her mum and sis.... Bye2!!!! hahahaha!! After this post,i'll be washing my clothes and rest for the whole day cuz i'm too tired and tomorrow gonna start revising my maths.. like hell man!! My maths got sec 2 topic and i was like ...wat the hell!! i forgot almost everything eh..... But still need to study.. too bad....
Okay readers, my next post i'm not sure when ...maybe in May...cuz i'll be busy with my studies and my sleeping too..hahaha!! kay dhen,till here... :))

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