Thursday, July 29, 2010

30th July 2010

GIVING UP just means that you've QUIT!

Nowadays,my attitude really sucks... I just don't get it...
The feeling of giving up is just there.... I don't know why... This is so not like me...
I'm stronger than this... Gosh! Even my sister has been asking about my attitude...
She was dissapointed in me but listened up,I have my own reasons why I react that way...
I'm too stressed up....

Is it because of him?
Is it because of my studies?
Seriously,I just can't stand all these feelings...
Enough of the 'what if'(s) and why(s)....
I kept asking those question to myself but what's the used??
No matter what,its going to be a question mark to my qns....?????????
No answers.....
Argh!!! I just don't feel right....
What's wrong with me???
How I wish I can go far far away from here just to make myself feel calm and relax.
Prelims is just around the corner and I'm still behaving this way....

To (COWARD): It's because of YOU i'm trying my best to live my life again...
I hope one day, you'll feel the pain that I've went through for the pass 2mths+...
Thanks yeah... Even though my life seems to be happy but trust me,I won't forget the way you've treated me.... True enough,I'm OVER you but not those bad moments that I had with you...
What you've did to me in the past is still stucked vividly in my mind.....
I'll forgive you but I'll not forget...
Say whatever you want to say...
If you think that I'm still stucked in the past,yes! It's because of you COWARD!!
There's one thing I'm wishing for...
You want to know what is it??
I WISHed that I could punched your *fcuking face continuously...
Its killing me in the inside even though I'm looking fine on the outside....
You know what?
All I can do is to fake my smile whenever I'm with my friends because that's the only way for me to live my life again.... That's just how I live all these while, when you're gone with her...
Whatever! I don't need any *bullshit here....
Still,never once I said that I HATE YOU ... Hurt me more!! I'm used to it...
Afterall,guys are just guys.....

Self Motivation: Syaza! You have to believe in yourself... Whatever happened in the past will only make you become a stronger person... Don't bother about him,he's living a good life with her...
So? Why are you wasting your own sweet time thinking about him?
Focus on what you have to because no matter what,you have to make your family proud...
Ignore him,He won't come back and he's just not worth it...
Just pray and hope that he'll realised what he had did to you.... Come on!
Your future is bright... No giving up! Be strong! Learnt from your mistakes... Because it's never too late....
*It's just my way of reminding myself to keep moving forward....

Signing off,

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