Thursday, August 12, 2010

13th August 2010

~No One Else~ : )
Hey there! I'm sorry for not keeping my blog active... Who's going to read it anyway... haha! Hmm,I've been rather busy with prelims... Today,I've decided to rest myself for a day...I'm tired of memorising those notes for exam... Like seriously.. =.=

Haha!! Yesterday was a really great day for me.. I was excited to cheer for my friends who was running with the torch for YOG!! woohhoooo!! haha!! I took pictures but this computer really sucks... I don't know when I'll be uploading it...
Even though I'm fasting,I still tried to endure with all those shoutings and cheerings... I was really fanatic! haha! Okay I know,it's irritating but how I wished I could be the one running with the torch... Nevermind.. At leat last year I got to go for the YOG friendship camp... : D

I had my Social Studies paper just now and it was manageable... So,I'm done with humanities because yesterday was geography paper... I'm also done with EL and Malay paper 1...Basically,I'm planning to rest today because I'm really tired of studying like mad people for this whole week.... Gosh! : P I know,It's for my own good though... : )
So,today= Wash Laundry,Sleep and Slack.. Maybe at night I'm going for Terawih with Fida... : ) I hope she'll get better soon...

My Life:
Lately,my life has been great...
Someone has been there for me...
Even though you're just a friend to me but trust me,you've always make me smile... : )
Thanks to Mr.H! : )
Because of him,I've realised that there's a lot for me to look forward to...
You may not be special to me but the way you treated me is one of a kind.. I don't know why because I don't bother to ask also... As long as I'm happy,It's good enough... : )
Also,thanks for supporting me in my studies and tryng to improve my english... haha! : )
At least I've realised that life goes on... What's the point of being sad and I end up getting caught in the middle like some useless human being... : )
Day by Day,I'll get over it, bit by bit...
Great isn't it...
Let's just stop talking about my life... I don't feel like elaborating it.. Hope you readers don't mind...

Fasting Month
So far,so good... Somehow,it's great that prilems are on the fasting month.. I can concentrate better and I can pray hard to pass with flying colours... During this month,I've been smiling and I'm not emo like how I used to be... haha!
Anyway,I hope I'm able to fast for 30days straight... I don't want that thing to stop me.. : 0... : )

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