Saturday, August 28, 2010

29th August 2010

Learnt From your Mistakes...
Hush-Hush!! Yeah.. I know it has been a while that I didn't update... Hope you readers understand yeah... 8 more days to my major exam... 'N' level... My prelims results was dissapointing except for some... But English was terrible... I'm speechless... I've learnt from it and I don't want to repeat it during my major paper... If I were to repeat it again,I'm going to be in a big trouble... I want to go Sec 5 and I'll be satisfied... Even though,there's huge difference between Sec 4 and Sec 5,I'm still willing to catch up with everything in that short period of time but IF let say I was not meant to be in Sec 5 then I'll be in Higher-Nitec taking the course that I'm interested in and that is Business Studies(Sports Management)... I believe that I can still achieve my goal by taking the long route... Whatever it is,I'll pray hard to get into Sec 5...
Okay,so for this whole week,things was in a big mess... A lot of conflicts among my classmates and also conflict with my sister... I was too stressed up and Yes! I cried... hehs! But,don't worry I'm doing fine right now... I've talked things out with my sister and after reflecting on what she said,I realised my mistakes. By the way,I want to see my class reuniting again... I'm going to have a slow talk with them tomorrow and I hope things will get better. : )
So far,so good... I've never miss any of the days during fasting month ... Well,even though I was exhausted for this whole week due to the practice for prom video,at least I could still endure with it... Woohoo!! Dance! haha!! Okay,I know I can't dance but at least I'm doing this for the class... haha!! I can't imagine the situation during the prom night especially when every video of each class is being played... hahaha!! I can't wait for 8th October to come because I want to have the freedom and I want to be away temporarily from my school books .... As for now,let's just focus and put my 100% effort for my 'N' level... I know my family wants the best for me and I want to make them proud....
One more thing,this morning,I have no idea what has gone into me until I accidentally drop the plate and obviously it broke. Clumsy Syaza! I don't know why I'm worried about my mother. I dreamt about her crying and I don't even know why she cried and after that oh yes! I broke that plate when I suddenly thought of my mother. See... It's like something bad is going to happen but I'll pray to god that my mother will be fine... : )
Hari Raya? Well,it's great that the muslims will be celebrating Hari Raya in a few weeks but I'm just not in the mood because of my 'N' level... Luckily Hari Raya will be on the 10th of September and it didn't clash with my papers... That's all about it.. I've nothing much to type here... But let's share something interesting...
Hmmm.. what should I talk about? Love?
For the time being,I don't want to get distracted with this thing called 'falling in love'...
But I know everyone needs love... It's just not the right time for me...
I just need someone who can take good care of me,shower me with happiness,never cheat on me,never lie to me,honest,firm when making decisions and serious when it comes to relationship.. To be honest,I prefer older guys than me like 2 yrs difference of age.. They tend to be more matured and loving but not all... Only some...
Whatever it is,I just want to have fun in life and if my heart is willing to accept that someone then maybe I'll think twice or more before getting into a relationship... All this is because I've learnt to be more careful when it comes to Love... So that's all for now.. The next post will be in the next two to three weeks... tata!! Till then! : )
Great! Red light!! There it goes!! I want to fast lah!! haiyos!!!

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