Tuesday, September 14, 2010

15th september 2010

Personality. Attitude. Appearance.

Well,life isn't about you looking good or being wealthy. At times,it's true people judged you with all these and by all it means but on the same time,if your attitude sucks,you can't go far because people will eventually hate you. There's some point of time,we have to change for the better,not because we want or have to please people but it's for our own good and also our future.
It's hard to do it but the only thing that matter is whether you're willing to do it sincerely or force yourself just to prove to everyone that you've really changed but the fact is that you're not. You see,since I'm born into this world,all I'm interested in, is sports and there hasn't been a time that I find myself acting or behaving like a real woman. I love being myself but as time passed by,I've realised that I can't keep on behaving this way. Maybe and just maybe one day,I'm prepared to look like someone I'm not. Yes,I have to admit that my attitude sucks and without fail,my sister has been the one advising me to change for the better.

One more thing,I'm jealous to see girls putting on make-ups and I envy them but I've always asked myself: What for you put on those make-ups when you're still a teenager,looking good,fresh and healthy.
My friends may see me like some tomboyish girl but you know what? I'm trying my best to be like those girls out there. Perhaps,it won't work out because at the end of the day,I still chose to be ME! I'm lucky and proud to see myself having the personality of a happy-go-lucky girl. In fact,most of my friends said that. haha! I love my life! : D

No matter how harsh your words can be,I'm still holding onto this feeling just to make myself become a stronger person. I will keep on trying my best to forget you. I will forget your smile,your voice,the way you walked,the way you talked and the way you said my name.
I will act like you've never exist in my life before,now and in the future. I will make sure that I won't keep on looking at your facebook or her blog. Whatever I'm doing right now,isn't because of you but it's because god wants me to. Wherever you are,I'm sure that you've forgotten every single thing about me. That's good for you because I know that you're happy to have her by your side everyday,every seconds,mins and in fact hours.
May both of you last long. 

I've chose to be this way for as long as it takes because I prefer to be living like this. No lies,no arguments and no relationship problems. I want to remain this way for at least 2 years or more than that. I want to enjoy my life to the fullest because every second of my life is precious. I can't rewind the time but if only I'm capable of doing that,I would.
I wonder how my future will be like. Hmm.. : )
Great! it's 2+ in the morning... 
haha!! Yeah! I'll be heading to the library with my friends later as we're planning not to go to school because we want to self-study. Hope,I'm able to stay focus. : )
Good Morning readers!! Off to bed.. tata! : )

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