Sunday, October 24, 2010

25th October 2010

FOREVER??? Well,nothing last forever...

I really feel like blogging today,so yeah... 
During the weekends,I slept over at my 2nd sister house... It was fun! : )
We watched some movies that my sister rented and we really talked a lot of craps...
I've been wanting to blog about my feelings but I don't think it's appropriate to do so and it's because that I've promised myself to be happy-go-lucky.... : )
So yeah... Anyway,I find that my holidays is occupied by housework and this was what I want... Becoming a part time maid.... Nevermind, at least I'm keeping myself busy... So,tomorrow,I'll be meeting two of my childhood friends and on Wednesday,I'll be heading to Queensway with my friends...
Not to forget,today will be the first 'O' levels paper and so ALL THE BEST TO PEOPLE WHO ARE TAKING IT... : )
Okay,in less than a month it will be my prom night.. I'm soo excited for it... haha!
Anyway,'N' level results will be on 17th December,I'm getting nervous people...
Let's just pray and hope that I'm able to make it to sec 5... : )
Life goes on even though at times,you feel like your past was the best thing but getting over your past and moving on is part of learning and letting you know that things will not always go as what you're expecting it to be... Therefore,I'm going to get over everything in my past slowly... I know I can make it because patience is what you need... : )

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