Friday, October 8, 2010

8TH oCTOBER 2010



It's such a relieved that 'N' level is over and overall,it was manageable except for some.. Well,i'll just pray and hope that ALLAH will help me get through this and get promoted to Sec 5... : ) 
Wow! For the past 3 weeks,I didn't text anyone. It was due to my low prepaid and I purposely did it because I wanted to focus on my 'N' level..
Okay,as for today,I went to Naf house to have a movie marathon with her and Syirahfaive.... Well,today was kind of happy plus emo shit...
Yup,I laughed a lot but something is bothering me and I'm trying to put that feelings aside..
'N' level is over and I should enjoy myself for a moment instead of thinking about things that aren't worth my time at all... Though,at times,I tend to be over-reacting and I realised that... My behaviour could make people around me dislike me or in fact hate me... I'll change for the better and at least I've realised....

One hour ago,I viewed this particular person blog and I found out that she got to know every single thing about me and him... It's obvious because she put the song that I've dedicated to him as her blog song... Anyway,its the past... So,don't bother to brag about it yeah... I'm moving on so is him.. Such a jerk... Have you no sense of feeling guilty towards me... After what you've did to me?! You hurt,you dumped,you lied and the most painful part is that You ignored me like some useless person when I was trying to make things back to normal...
But what were you doing instead?! Enjoying your time with her,smiling,saying those sweet words and stupid promises to her... asshole!

Maybe,I find that life is unfair but the fact is that LIFE IS FAIR...
When his gone,what did I do? What did I get?
1)I get to focus on my studies .
2)I get to feel the love from my family.
3)I get to smile everyday even though it hurts me in the inside all the time.
4)I 'm stronger than before
5)I'm living a happy life even though you're happier.
6)I've stopped punching the wall when I'm down because now, when I'm down I'll ignore everything.
7)I'm a person with a lot of expectations when it comes to guys because I'm tired of getting hurt all over again. This is all because of YOU. thanks.

Whatever I'm going through won't last forever because for me to have the happiness back,I've to be patient even if it takes years...
As for now,I want to be a firm girl when it comes to making decision.
I won't be weak like before...
I want to have a great life in the future... : )
Well,to make it short... Let me learnt the meaning of LOVE...

PS: I hope I can make it to SEC 5! : )

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