Friday, November 19, 2010

20th NOVEMBER 2010

So much for calling yourself my Friend.

You see,I don't mind if you're ignoring me for a valid reason. But hell yeah! You're still contacting with her?? What's up with you boy?? What has gone into your mind??
You left me aside and you're happily entertaining her.
Just STFU! Don't call yourself my bestfriend when you're just using me and ignoring me for some stupid reasons. Fuck off!
I know I should be the one texting you in the first place but well,I'm busy too??! How nice can my reasons be??! ASS! 
It's up to you and It's your choice who you want to be with or what you want to do.
Seriously,there's no harm if you ignore her text and calls what?! Why?! You're still in love with her? Oh okay,Whatever it is, please mean what you say before saying stuff like,'No,I don't love her anymore.' It's pathetic and I swear that your words are lies.
You know,these days,I've been wanting to share my problems to someone but I just don't know who. i know I have a bestfriend(Fida) but at times,not everything I can share to her. 
And to you boy,Where were you when I needed you the most?! 
Bullshit! This is why I hate guys!
If you're sincere to be my friend or whatever shit,you don't have to ignore me just for the sake of HER! 
I'm pissed off!
I guess,I've not been praying for quite sometime and I just can't find myself at ease.
Starting from today,I'm going to change. Change in my attitude.
Btw,to that someone,I know you have a boyfriend but you know,I wanted to talk to you about my problems but it seems that you're ignoring me too.
You're never sincere to be my friend and I'm sorry. I've deleted your number and I guess that's the best for me to stop with my nonsense with you. 
See,FRIENDS? what's that supposed to mean? 
They only come to you when they need someone to talk to and they'll leave you once they found happiness. I don't care! I'm going to ignore everything and just be myself.
I won't let your words bring me down and I'll stay strong like I've always did.
I'll try to be at the peak of the mountain where everything seems fine and you won't be able to know what's happening down there. 
At times,I feel like migrating. I want to be far away from everyone except for my beloved people. If all these happened for a reason,then I'll accept it and walk away like as if it was never a problem to me. 
You know how painful it is,for me to know that you're ignoring me and you know how much I wanted you to be by my side so badly.
But well,I didn't cry and this just means that it's too painful that I can't let this tears out.
Whatever! This is my world and I know Allah is there for me.
I don't need you people to treat me like shit. Thanks! Chow! 

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