Thursday, November 4, 2010

5th November 2010


From school life to social life and love life! Well,I miss wearing that uniform of mine and I miss my GIRLFRIENDS especially! Not forgetting,I miss the scoldings and naggings of my teachers.... Gosh! I've to wait until 17th December just to meet my teachers and to also take my results. Anyway,I can't wait for 12th and 14th november to come,as I'll be going to Universal Studio and Marina Barrage to fly kite... : ) I'm pretty much excited about everything.. That's weird..
Love life? Yeah,at times I miss saying 'I love you' randomly to a guy,I miss having a guy who will lend me his shoulders when I'm down and a guy who will hug me tightly whenever he's obsessed with me. I miss those times when a guy will wipe my tears and kiss me on the forehead. I miss those moments when I walked away from him feeling very angry and what he did was running after me.
It doesn't matter about who is the guy that I'm referring to but what matters the most is that my feelings for him WILL NOT CHANGE even for a second. Trust me,he's the best that I ever had and only me who knows what is written deep in my heart. If one day,you found me with my new love,I'm sorry because my future love will be the person who has managed to capture my heart and replace you. I'll move on but you don't have to worry because I'll remember you until my last breath. : )
I miss you Boy! I really do! If you happened to read this,then I would like to say that no matter where you are,who you are with or whatever you're doing,I'll always remember that you have showered me with your love and care...
I don't know if all these while,'HAVE YOU EVER MISS ME?' I guess you don't... It's okay. As long as I can see that your smile is shining brightly,I'll be grateful for that because it basically means that you're happy being with someone else and I'm proud to know that.. : )
Last but not least,I MISS MY REAL SMILE because I've been faking it... : )

*I'm not looking for a man but I'm searching for the LOVE from a man...

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