Saturday, May 2, 2009

saturday: 2nd may 2009

My name,i was peace off with the guy called 'Aslam', he was making me damn angry or trying to make me jealous.... Dhen,he was trying to make me forgive him but till now i didn't forgive him.. but somehow,i will also forgive him...and... blahblahblah..hahaha!!! crazy lah!!!

today was bored....but luckily i was entertained by my second sis and mum cuz they keep making me laugh.. cuz my mum talks about her wedding last was damn funny..hahahhaa!!!

My first sis,dunnoe wat mood,go malacca wif her family today and she's coming back day only..i mean like less than one day...haha!! nvm... maybe she wants to enjoy...

And u noe wat?? Fida!! jgn tgk facebook aku lah!!!! hahaha!! Right now,she wants to search for my facebook..and that was like 2 yrs ago okay!!! my face sux man.... Now,oso sux lah..but better than last time wat....haha!! kae..wateva...end my post here...


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