Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9th november 2010

A TRUE Friend stays with you even when you're falling apart.
Lately,I've been thinking about random stuffs which will only make me go crazy.
I don't know why but I kept asking myself with questions like 'What if...?? Why? When??.. You see,all these incomplete questions are even running through my mind right now. Maybe,I'm still wondering why he left me and why my dreams became a real one. Gosh! Seriously,I'm going to be insane soon. Apart from all those stupid questions,I've been trying to hold everything to myself and I'm trying my best to be patient. Like seriously,I've changed. I don't know in what way but probably it was because of him that I've changed or I was wrong to blame him but too bad,all these happened because I don't want people to take advantage of me and end up ruining my life. Well,people changed so why not me right? I'm changing for the better and also my future. I don't want to get myself into relationship which will only hurt me deeply. I want happiness. Who doesn't want it anyway?? Everybody wants happiness but the only key to it,is to have patience. This means that,you really have to go through a tough time to be happy. : )
Basically,life is hard and all you can do is to endure with the pain and tell yourself that no matter what happens,'Life goes on.' Easier said than done huh? Yes,it's true that when you're falling apart,all you think of  is giving up on everything but at one point of time,you'll come to realise that things happened for a reason and in fact all you want is for 'miracle' to happen. And it's obvious that I'm talking about love and stuff. It's quite irony when someone whom you really want to hate becomes the person that you loved the most. Well,all these is really common. Perhaps,I'm referring to the girls and IDK about the boys. It's hard to find someone who can really treasure you. pfft.. =.=.
Single life is AWESOME but you'll feel lonely at times. Though,at the very least,you won't get into stupid arguments. : )
Being in a relationship is the toughest thing as you really need to have commitments and you have to endure with everything. Plus,you'll even quarrel over small things. But the pros of  it ,is that you are able to share your love and you'll be like most happiest person on earth when he/she is by your side. : )
So,the moral of the story is to just live a single life until you really know what love is all about. : )

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