Tuesday, November 10, 2009

10 NOV 2009

Hahaha!! Today had a great day.. Firstly i just want to wish Ms Nasuha my Co-Form teacher a HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ALSO TO MY BELOVED DAD.... HAHA!!! thanx Ms Nasuha as you accompanied me to the clinic for the health screening as i'm going for the friendship camp on the 8-12 December and it will be held in SSS.... hehe!! Hope to see NM... hahaks!! Okay,so after i went to the clinic,headed to JP to meet my A.B.C.D bestfriends... We need to buy something...SECRET!! hehe!! We really crab a lot and i was like seriously very rude because i was like teasing people... hahaha!! Look at myself first lah..... huahua!!! Laugh a lot with them and we talked about something personal.... We're back again and hope everything will be okay... hehe!!! It was a co-incidence that all of us were wearing black except Fida gray and black... hahaha!!! *C ah u... jkjk!!! but thats wat we called her... haha!! and they called me *B.... Nafisah*A and Suliana *D... hahaha!!! If you want to know more ,can ask any one of us... huahua!! You'll laugh like hell when you know what it means.. haha!!!..... I'm not sure why today i'm damn excited even though things aren't going smoothly between me and him but i hope this will settle soon.... Alright till here... Can't wait for Thursday!!! wooohhoooo!!!

RE: my previous post (*I will try my best to make myself stop loving you as that is what you really want me to do)... : )

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